I think the highlight of my job is that I often get to see some really awesome feats of human performance. That's what turns me on about sports (no, not like that). Every so often you get to see something that makes you stop and think, "Damn, I can't even imagine how good that dude (or gal) feels right now." Oftentimes these are scenes that are syndicated across the globe and replayed in 37 different languages. Other times, they fly under the radar (as is usually the case in triathlon). So, starting this week, I'll be giving up some props to those who truly deserve it. Starting with:
BRYAN RHODES: You'd be hard pressed to find a nicer guy in the multisport world. He loves to make friends with everyone and he is one of the most gregarious people you'll ever meet. And this weekend he finally got the big win. Props to Rhodsey for hauling ass at Ironman Canada.
ANDY POTTS: No, Potts didn't win at Chicago this weekend -- he actually wasn't even close. But it's what he told me after the race that earned him his props. I asked Andy how he was planning on tapering for Kona and his response was, "By racing in Dallas." Yes, Potts will be racing the U.S. Open a mere six days before attempting his first Ironman. You know how many people are crazy enough to try that? Just one. And his name is Andy Potts. Props to him.
BRIAN AND BECKY LAVELLE: The sport's third-fastest couple (after Greg and Laura Bennett and Emma Snowsill and Craig Walton) had a huge weekend to say the least. Becky got a much-needed win in the Lifetime Fitness Tri Series and Brian had his first truly solid race in quite a while. He showed he's back after battling a string of injuries and he's got big plans for the rest of the reason. Props to both of them.
MATTY REED: This weekend, Reed demonstrated a level of craziness on par with Mr. Potts. Just five days removed competing in the Olympics, a jet-lagged Reed led the field off the bike in Chicago and went on to finish fourth. Matty is one tough dude and for that, props to him.
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